A.S. Bogachev¹, I.R. Zagrebelnyi², V.I. Merkulov³
1-3 JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow, Russia)
Classification of air targets by rank of importance is the basis for ensuring situational awareness of pilots (crew members) of military aircraft, therefore, the problem of increasing the reliability of target classification is very urgent. The requirement to provide the pilot (crew) with full situational awareness means providing him with complete and reliable information about tactical, electronic, navigation situations and the technical condition of on-board systems. It should be noted that when classifying air targets according to the rank of importance, dangerous, favorable for attack and non-dangerous targets are currently usually distinguished.
Specific tasks of classifying air targets by importance rank belong to the class of object recognition tasks.
In modern aviation radio-electronic complexes, the classification of air targets according to the rank of importance is usually carried out according to the data of on-board radar systems, as well as electronic intelligence systems and optoelectronic systems. It should be noted that one of the main information modes of functioning of modern and future radar systems is the multipurpose tracking mode, in which an airborne radar can simultaneously track a large number of targets in its area of responsibility.
In the conduct of hostilities, ensuring one's own security is a priority task for aircraft of various purposes. In this case, the role of dangerous air targets can be not only targets belonging to the opposing side, but also their own aircraft in dangerous encounters, in which a collision can occur between them. Therefore, the problem of preventing dangerous encounters and preventing aircraft collisions with each other becomes one of the key problems in group operations of military aviation.
It should be noted that by now there are various methods of assessing goals according to the degree of their danger, but there is no systematic presentation of them.
An attempt is made in the article to give a systematized presentation of new methods for solving this problem, based on a two-stage decision-making on the predicted minimum distance of closest approach and the time to reach it.
Based on this approach, the following are considered:
- the method of subjective reduction of private indicators;
- procedures for determining the hazard indicators of air targets in the antenna coordinate system;
- rules for making decisions on the degree of danger of targets, taking into account their possible maneuver; – the composition of information support for solving this problem has been determined.
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