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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №9 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Combining of orthogonal coding and quadrature amplitude modulation
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202009-05
UDC: 621.391.037.3

A.V. Rabin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Director Of The Centre For Scientific Research Coordination,

SUAI, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution Of Higher Education «St. Petersburg State University Of Aerospace Instrumentation»

E-mail: alexey.rabin@guap.ru


Most works on coding theory are devoted to the analysis of systems in that part of the bandwidth curve, which corresponds to low spectral efficiency or low signal-to-noise ratio. The reason for this factor was the fact that most of the applications using coding theory used in satellite systems are limited in terms of the used power, but with a wide bandwidth. Thus, to date, none of the coding schemes used can provide noise immunity and significant energy gain with high spectral efficiency.

Noise immunity is one of the most important characteristics of modern information transmission systems. There is a contradiction between the requirements for the noise immunity of radio engineering systems, due to the capabilities of countermeasures, and the lack of methods for increasing the noise immunity at high spectral efficiency and coding rate.

The research of ways to increase noise immunity at a fixed transmission rate through the development of special mathematical methods is an urgent task.

The goal of the research is to develop and investigate orthogonal coding as a method of increasing noise immunity with high spectral efficiency using the example of information transmission systems with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).

The orthogonal coding proposed by the author as a method of increasing noise immunity using the example of information transmission systems with QAM allows ensuring the required transmission quality at lower energy costs. 

The energy gain in the signal-to-noise ratio (up to 4,04 dB for channels with additive white Gaussian noise), obtained due to more  efficient use of the transmitted signal energy, is achieved without increasing the complexity and, consequently, the cost of transmitting and receiving devices.

The novelty of the orthogonal coding method lies in the fact that it can be considered as a kind of reception as a whole of M-fold quadrature amplitude modulation signals with an optimal choice of the manipulation code that matches the binary combinations of the QAM signal magnitude source.

The technical implementation of orthogonal coding is characterized by low complexity: decoding is reduced to calculating a number of dot products and performing a comparison with a zero threshold. For this reason, the proposed method for coding and construction of transmitting and receiving devices can be used in various communication systems.

Pages: 44-52
For citation

Rabin A.V. Combining of orthogonal coding and quadrature amplitude modulation. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2020. V. 74. № 9. P. 44–52. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202009-05. [in Russian]

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Date of receipt: 15 июля 2020 г.