A.S. Matsaev
Application developed by innovative technical solutions allows manufacturers of chips and devices on their basis, gain competitive advantages and the production of products with new consumer properties. In chips between cascades of amplification, automatic regulation and harmonization of applied exclusively direct galvanic connection without reactive elements that allowed us to get ideal amplitude and phase frequency characteristics. Such chips could be used to build control power sources of high precision actuators in electroplating, electric treatment, plasma spraying, automatic control systems, robotics, Hydro systems and audio acoustics, as well as to build power amplifiers audio signals and other devices. In chips used more than two dozen interrelated innovations, useful for independent use in devices and systems other destination. As a result of new innovations, breakthrough, not previously achievable technical capabilities. Chip circuitry allows implementation of cascading output nodes control power Cascades. While power Cascades autonomous power and load are connected to the controller (chip) control only low voltage circuits, including the use of long lines. It is important that when you increase the number of power Cascades are saved or even improve the basic characteristics of linearity, damping amplitude and phase frequency characteristics. Target power Cascades can be structurally remote from each other, be placed in the immediate vicinity or structured Executive devices, including dynamic audio devices (loudspeakers). This avoids the problems of reliability and losses in high-current circuits, as well as the problems of the power supply. There is no need to use expensive and not enough reliable heavy duty power sources, instead of them it is possible to use several (TENs) power average power. Moreover, failure or partial deviation from the desired characteristics of one or more of them will not lead to the loss of system health and might even be unnoticed. Now there is no difficulty in building any power amplifier with non-linear units of 10-5 degree and above. The material in the articles set out in the development and progression of consumer properties of circuits and concludes with information on the latest developments of chips for power stages using powerful field effect transistors. In latest developments, manages all at one stage getting power over 2,2 kW with linearity in the degree of 10-6 units, a record low impedance in hundredths of mΩ and wide band amplifier. At the same time, they retain the ability to do simple cascading power Cascades up to several dozens with preserving linearity and by multiplying the power characteristics.
The presentation of the material focuses on the target category of B2B in the production of microcircuits. Application developed by innovative technical solutions allows manufacturers of chips and devices on their basis, gain competitive advantages and the production of products with new consumer properties.