S.V. Smirnov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,
Institute of Management Problems V.A. Trapeznikov RAS
E–mail: sapr2006@bk.ru
L.N. Sizova – Leading Software Engineer,
Institute of Management Problems V.A. Trapeznikov RAS
E–mail: lusysz@ipu.ru
The issues addressed in this article are in the field of Automated Design Systems (CAD), which provides the ability to solve applications of circuit engineering and computer graphics.
The history of development CAD, CAM and PDM systems in our country and abroad is briefly described. The main disadvantages of the use of foreign CAD in Russia are presented. Emphasis is placed on Electronic Design Automation (EDA) systems for circuit engineering tasks, which is a subspecies of CAD systems.
Further, the possibilities of the domestic software complex «Graphics – TR» which belongs to the category of EDA-systems and is developed in Russia (ICS RAS), are investigated. «Graphics – TR» complex is considered as a tool designed for design of electronic devices of communication means, creation of schematic documentation in accordance with UDDS, development of drawings, drawing of diagrams of algorithms, tables, search and visualization of the shortest path between objects. The structure of «Graphics – TR» complex and its main systems are examined in detail. The aspects that were put forward during the conceptual design stage are presented, as well as its functional (meaningful) orientation and important characteristics, which fill the system during development. With the help of «Graphics – TR» computer modeling of circuits with the help of automation of design and development works is considered on the example of practical solution of the problem in the field of circuit engineering and development of printed circuit boards. The design stages are discussed in detail from the creation of a schematic diagram to the receipt of an installation diagram and the compilation of a list of elements. It should be noted that the methods of research when building the diagram are based on a mathematical model, the construction of which was a mandatory condition at the design stage of the «Graphics-TR» complex. In addition, a private solution to the problem in the field of cartography was presented: designing the optimal route for the social and educational sphere. The shortest path search was presented as the task of tracing connections between objects on the GIS (geographic information system) map. The algorithm of tracing connections between objects with the help of «Graphics-TR» with indication of all operations included in the process of construction, which is automated, but provides the possibility to change information and graphic layers.
In conclusion, it was noted that the software complex «Graphics – TR» has proved to be a reliable tool for the development of printed circuit boards in the end-to-end cycle, from the design of element libraries and schematic electrical diagrams, to the completed model of printed circuit boards and the release of design documentation in accordance with the UDDS. Further application of the complex as a support to the educational process as a computer-based educational tool was also considered, namely, for the educational process in MTUСI (Moscow), where practical exercises on the course «Computer simulation of circuits and devices» were already held.
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