V.G. Shadrov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist,
Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre
A.E. Dmitrieva – Junior Research Scientist,
Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre
A.V. Boltushkin – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist,
Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre
E-mail: nemtsevich@ifttp.bas-net.by
Multi-level (ML-3D) magnetic recording technology involves selective recording onto two or more recording layers, significantly increasing the surface recording density, and in the long term seems to be one of the most promising solutions to the problem of increasing the capacity of information storage devices.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the main parameters and technologies of multilevel magnetic recording, in particular, the use of microwave assisting and antiferromagnetically coupled media, as well as the materials used and alternative concepts of multilevel recording.
The basic parameters and technologies of multilevel magnetic recording are considered, in particular, the use of microwave assisting and antiferromagnetically coupled media, as well as the materials used and alternative concepts of multilevel recording. Multi-level (ML-3D) magnetic recording technology can significantly increase surface density and recording speed.
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