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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Results of mathematical modeling of noise immunity of satellite radio navigation systems under the influence of intentional interference
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202002-05
UDC: 621.396

D.G. Pantenkov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of the Department of Radiocommunication Systems, JSC «Kronstadt» (Moscow)

E-mail: Dmitrii.Pantenkov@kronshtadt.ru


The issues of radioelectronic influence on modern navigation equipment of consumers of satellite radio navigation systems are considered.

One of the main ways of such counteraction of SRNS focused on decrease in efficiency of its functioning is radio-electronic influence on navigation equipment of consumers (NEC). It should be borne in mind that modern SRNS such as «GPS»/»GALILEO»/«COMPASS» have a fundamental technical ability to resist interference due to: the use, along with open civil codes, also special high-precision codes; the use of adaptive antenna arrays forming «zeros» (dips) of the radiation pattern in the direction of the source of interference; the integration of «GPS» with inertial navigation system (ins); real-time ability to change the working constellation of spacecraft and their number; additions SRNS system of differential correction and monitoring. 

Taking into account the above, the purpose of this scientific and technical article is to consider the technical possibility of radioelectronic influence on the modern system. To achieve this goal, solved the following main tasks: the main characteristics of the navigation codes, developed a simplified block diagram of the receiver of the NEC, carried out mathematical modeling of the voltage in the absence and presence of interference in the MathCad package, we obtained quantitative estimates of coefficients of influence, leading to malfunction SRNS with probability at least 0,9. In conclusion, the results of analysis and research are presented, conclusions are drawn, relevant proposals and recommendations are formed.

The primary measure of noise immunity of navigation equipment of consumers of satellite navigation systems is the impact coefficient, which refers to the minimum required ratio of energy to interference energy of the useful signal at the input of the linear part of the receiver voltage at which equipment ceases to achieving the target with probability not less than 0,9, the level of exceeding the interference over the useful navigation signal. 

As a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the impact on navigation systems, the probability of termination of the target task is used. If the probability of ending the target is greater than 0,9, then the impact is effective. If the probability of termination of the target is less than 0,9, the impact is ineffective.

Pages: 45-56
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Date of receipt: 25 ноября 2019 г.