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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Statistical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the UAVs system in conditions of multi-factor uncertainty
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202012-05
UDC: 621.396

Nguyen Quang Thuong1, Boris A. Anikin2, Oleg B. Anikin3 1,2,3

 State University Of Management (Moscow, Russia)


In this paper, we consider a multi-purpose UAVs system designed to deliver special data collection platforms (DCS) to a given zone.

The strategy for distributing targets between system elements is determined by the target distribution function.

The choice of the vector of design parameters corresponds to the stage of parametric selection and at this stage the modification of each individual type of UAV is determined.

The problem of substantiating the characteristics of the structure and parameters of a multi-purpose UAV system is formulated. In this problem, we select not only the optimal distribution of target tasks by UAV types, but also the corresponding design solutions, characterized by a vector for each of the separate UAV’s types. The problem is solved under parametric constraints of the vector on design solutions and under functional constraints.

If there are uncontrolled factors, i.e. uncertainty conditions, the task is supplemented with uncertainty disclosure operators. Two types of uncertainties are usually considered in project tasks: multi-factor uncertainty (of natural and/or artificial origin) and multicriteria uncertainty associated with making project decisions, taking into account the interests of all specified optimality criteria at the same time, which is difficult to fully formalize.

The main statistical criteria are the regularity criterion and the unbiased criterion.

The form of the additive optimality principle for the vector criterion is investigated.

A statistical estimation of the probability of achieving the UAV goal is presented.

The statistical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the UAV system in conditions of multi-factor uncertainty is based on the problem of structural and parametric synthesis of a complex system and offers a solution to the problem by a vector criterion for evaluating the quality of UAVs. 

 Statistical estimation of the probability of achieving the goal allows you to align positional controls with software controls and move to a more convenient synthesis of software controls. 

Statistical synthesis of the UAV’s efficiency model is carried out according to the design solution of positional control for the angle of attack of sliding by approximating the coefficients of a in the form of power polynomials and program control in the form of trigonometric polynomials. This allows you to align the positional controls with the software controls and thus move to a more convenient synthesis of software controls.

Pages: 54-63
For citation

Nguyen Quang Thuong, Anikin B.A., Anikin O.B. Statistical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the UAVs system in conditions of multi-factor uncertainty. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2020. V. 74. № 12. P. 54–63. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202012-05. [in Russian]

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Date of receipt: 20.11.2020 г.