Alexey I. Korchagin1, Valeriy P. Meschanov2, Kirill A. Sayapin3, Yaroslav V. Turkin4, Dmitry N. Sherstyukov5 1 Mitishinskiy Scientific-research institute of radio measuring instruments (Mitishi, Russia), 2,3,4
LLC NPP «NIKA-SVCh» (Saratov, Russia), 5 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia)
Fixed phase shifters are one of the main types of passive functional microwave devices. One of the most actual tasks of microwave engineering is the extension of operating frequency bands of fixed phase shifters. To solve this problem it is necessary to investigate new structures of electrical networks of phase shifting channel, realized by using different type transmission lines and stubs. Broadband fixed phase shifters on a basis of new structures of electrical networks compiled with pieces of coupled transmission lines of class II with unmatched loads, formed with short-circuited stub are studied. Fixed phase shifter with unmatched structure of electrical network of phase shifting channel was synthesized in T-waves approximation. Sample of a phase shifting channel was manufactured and studied experimentally. Advantages of synthesized phase shifter with unmatched structure of electrical network of phase shifting channel are determined in comparison with known completely matched structure. These advantages include decreasing of deviation of real (experimental) value of phase shift from its nominal (set) value φ0 and an extension of operating frequency range [ƒ1…ƒ2]. Circuit and electromagnetic models of microstrip phase shifter were developed on a basis on obtained results. Pilot sample of phase shifting channel was manufactured and studied experimentally. Results of investigations obtained in the present work can be used in development of broad band and ultra wide band devices of phase shifting of radio signals.
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