Alexander D. Filin, Alexander R. Bestugin, Irina A. Kirshina
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) (St. Petersburg, Russia)
fadadf@rambler.ru, fresguap@mail.ru, zlata@aanet.ru
The trend of increasing the role and importance of the Russian Air force (VVS) in ensuring the national security of the country has become irreversible. At the same time, a special type of training in aviation is tactical flight training (LTP), aimed at training in conducting combat operations (performing combat tasks) singly, as part of an aviation unit and unit in a given region. At the same time, achieving high-quality training of flight personnel and specialists in combat control of air force units is possible only when working out tasks in conditions close to modern real combat operations. This state of Affairs has predetermined the conduct of promising scientific research that would make it possible to prepare for the upcoming operations at landfills in conditions close to potentially real ones based on the introduction of cognitive technologies using the achievements of information technology. In this paper, based on the results of research on improving tactical flight training of the air force, the concept and structure of a promising automated LTP complex - an aviation virtual electronic polygon (AVEP), which allows you to organize simulation of a given air tactical situation in the required geographical area with modeling of all types of counteraction of a potential enemy during real flights. As a result of expert research, the advantages of implementing AVEP and the effectiveness of implementing IT in the air force polygon system are shown.
Filin A.D., Bestugin A.R., Kirshina I.A. Principles of construction and prospects for implementation of aviation virtual electronic polygons. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2020. V. 74. № 11. P. 30–38. DOI: 10.18127/ j20700784-202011-06. [in Russian]
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