S.V. Savel’ev – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist,
The Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
L.A. Morozova – Research Scientist,
The Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: mila-morozova.ludmila@yandex.ru
The physical properties of radioluminescent electromagnetic radiation from water are investigated. The physical properties of radioluminescent radiation are necessary to establish quantitative criteria for the effectiveness of the action of an electromagnetic field on water and biological objects. The primary task is to register the effects of electromagnetic fields on water.
The problem was solved by experiments. The time dependence of the radio-brightness temperature of the studied samples was recorded before irradiation and after irradiation with an electromagnetic signal of non-thermal intensity. The Fourier transform of the functions of the dependences of the radio-brightness temperatures was carried out. Charts were constructed on the planes of the values of the expansion parameters of the Fourier transform. A comparative characteristic of the obtained diagrams was made. The experimental results show the possibility of detecting 30-minute electromagnetic radiation of low intensity of exposure to water.
Comparative characteristics of phase portraits of temporary realizations of the radio-brightness temperature of solutions of substances with different concentrations were carried out. It was found that the volume of the chaotic noise attractor depends on the concentration of the base substance in the solution. It was established that noise attractors corresponding to different basic substances of solutions with the same concentration can differ in their location in their phase spaces. The experiments showed the possibility of registering both the basic substance and its concentration in the test solution.
Savel’ev S.V., Morozova L.A. Physical properties of water radioluminescence. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2020. V. 74. № 10. P. 56–61. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202010-04. [in Russian]
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