N.E. Kosykh –
Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Department of Hospital Surgery with Course of Oncology,
Far East State Medical University (Khabarovsk)
E-mail: kosykh.n@bk.ru A.Ya. Chizhov –
Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Ecological
Academy, Department Forensic Ecology, Faculty of Ecology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) E-mail: ma21@mail.ru
S.Z. Savin –
Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Medical Informatics Department,
Khabarovsk Center for New Information Technologies of the Pacific State University (Khabarovsk) E-mail: savin.sergei@mail.ru
S.K. Pinaev –
Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Clinical Surgery,
Far Eastern State Medical University (Khabarovsk) E-mail: pinaev@mail.ru
The concept of virtual information and simulation modeling of complex biological objects is presented on the example of cardiac conduction system. The method of research is based on the original multidimensional numerical model of the organism and is a grouping of information points in a closed space of the object under study. Each of these points carries a set of logical and numerical information characterizing a specific anatomical area. There are mutual relationships between points that affect their properties. Research materials. The basis for the creation of the model are two-dimensional layered electronic images of the object in the form of point drawings. These images are translated into a spreadsheet, which becomes a model – the basis of an electronic database, which is accessed by computer programs solving problems of modeling the structure and simulation in the computer version of the functions of the body or its individual parts. The result of modeling according to the above principles is a point multidimensional information-simulation model. The study presents the principles of creation of electrodynamic virtual information-simulation modeling of the heart, reflecting the spread of bioelectric excitation in this body. It is shown that the concept of virtual information-simulation modeling, successfully used in the creation of computer training simulators of the heart can be used, for example, in clinical arhythmology. Fractal principle of multi-dimensional numerical model of the body allows you to make any point with additional information reflecting those or other pathological changes. discussed above peculiarities of the multidimensional point of information and simulation models in General make them quite promising for use in the training task in clinical cardiology. The possibilities of modeling a diverse spectrum of pathological States of the cardiac conduction system are discussed. Virtual information-simulation modeling is a new approach to modeling of bioelectric excitation of the heart. This method of design becomes an independent sphere of activity, because it is responsible for a significant semiotic and intellectual part of all the work on the modeling of an arbitrary medical and biological object. The method of point multidimensional information-simulation model can be used as a basis for the creation of computer simulators of the heart for the tasks of medical and biological education and research of complex living systems.
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