R.I. Shabanov – Head of Laboratory,
PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)
E-mail: shabanov.r@radiofizika.com
N.I. Dubovik – Post-graduate Student, Engineer,
PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)
E-mail: dubovik.n@radiofizika.com
This article describes the complex creation for testing electrical, electronic and electronic equipment for resistance to the electromagnetic field of high-level radiation. The invention relevance is associated with the regular increase in the radiated power of radio transmitting stations, radar stations, radio communications and the electronic weapons creation, which greatly complicates the electromagnetic environment of the operated technical means. This is confirmed by various foreign printed materials, which indicate that every few years tightened the requirements for stability for all types of equipment operating in a wide range of frequencies.
With the advent of electronic weapons, special attention is paid to the stability of electronic equipment to the deliberate electromagnetic fields effects of radiation with the special electronic means help. Therefore, today one of the main electromagnetic compatibility tasks of military and civilian equipment is to test all electronic types and electronic equipment for resistance to the electromagnetic high-level radiation field.
The economic feasibility of creating a complex is justified by its versatility and suitability for testing various vehicles in a wide range of frequencies, as it is important to ensure maximum reliability and trouble-free operation of newly developed and modernized equipment in a given complex electromagnetic environment.
In this paper, creating a complex problem and ensuring the control electromagnetic radiation fields high level in the working area is solved by selecting a number of original technical solutions described in the article.
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