A.I. Firsenkov – General Director, OJSC «Magneton Plant» (St. Petersburg)
E-mail: magneton@magneton.ru
A.B. Gus'kov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of RPC, OJSC «Magneton Plant» (St. Petersburg)
A.S. Smirnov – Chief Metrologist, OJSC «Magneton Plant» (St. Petersburg)
V.M. Krekhtunov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
O.V. Terekhin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
The results of research and development of an integrated element of the reflective phased antenna array (PAA) of the UHF-range, carrying out wide-angle electric beam scanning are presented. On the basis of the review and systematization of the published works, a scheme for constructing an element of phased array operating on circularly polarized waves is substantiated.
As a result of the electrodynamic analysis, numerical and experimental modeling, the configuration and dimensions of the waveguide ferrite Faraday phase shifter and dielectric emitters, the most resistant to the influence of technological factors, were chosen. The analysis of the final dimensions and justified the tolerances on the dimensions of parts and parameters of materials.
According to the results of research, a constructively simple, high-tech compact integrated element of reflective phased array with electric beam scanning deviating from the normal to the opening up to ±60° along two coordinates was developed. The design of the phased element used normalized, mass-produced materials. To ensure the identity of mass-produced elements of PAA special attention is paid to the quality control of ferrite materials and dielectrics, and the stability of their production process.
A batch of elements PAA of a total of more than 3∙104 products was made, 100% control of their main characteristics was performed. A statistical processing of the measurement results was carried out, histograms for the initial phases and the steepness of the linearized phase-time characteristics, average and maximum losses introduced by the PAA elements were constructed. The standard deviations for the parameters important for the design of PAA and the beam control system are determined.
The designed PAA element can be used for different sizes of aperture of the antenna and sectors of the electric beam scanning.
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