I.A. Lipatov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory of Management Department,
FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
V.M. Nikolaenko – Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist,
FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
S.E. Totsky – Head of Laboratory of Management Department,
FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
A.N. Frolov – Deputy Technical Director, Leading Designer of R&D,
JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: engineer_f@mail.ru
A.V. Taganov– Head of Sector,
JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)
A.A. Chumachenko – Head of Sector,
JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)
V.M. Zhuzhoma – Ph.D. (Eng.),
Head of FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
Terrestrial satellite communication stations with small aperture antennas have been introduced into military satellite communication systems since the 1970s.
Despite the limited diameters of the antennas, the specified CS, taking into account the work through the SPACECRAFT on different types of orbits, do not belong to the VSAT class. The requirement of mandatory certification does not apply to them.
Stations in the digital satellite communication system ESSS-1 provided work with speeds of 1,2…48 kbit/s the main network mode of communication organization was operation in nodal networks organized by mobile nodal or stationary terrestrial stations of satellite communication with the possibility of working in the «everyone with everyone» mode.
The necessity of personal satellite communications to commanders has led to the need of development wearable satellite communications stations. To ensure the operation of network modes, repeaters of the «Rainbow» and «Lightning-3» type had high demands on the gain of the receiving paths. It was required to realize a transmission coefficient of 125…138 dB, while the repeaters of civil spacecraft provided a transmission coefficient of 105…115 dB.
Means of dual usage were further developed, solving the problem of satellite communications in the power structure during the daily activities of the troops. In accordance with the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of 08.22.2007, № 99.
The influence of interference signals generated by the signals of various stations in the trunks of Airborne Radio Complex with crosspolarization seal was evaluated. The calculations are carried out in accordance with the structural scheme presented in figure 2. Conjugate Airborne Radio Complex trunks (1-1A; 2-2A; 3-3A; 4-4A; 5-5A; 6-6A) operating at common frequencies, but decoupled polarization due to the use of opposite circular polarization vectors, were considered. Cross-polarization isolation provided by on-Board Cband antennas for reception and transmission is not less than 27 dB within the service area of 2,7° x 8,0°, which is guaranteed to cover the territory of the Russian Federation, and not less than 25,8 dB within the zone of 3,5° x 8°.
The presented analysis of the electrodynamic characteristics of the AFS of existing CS shows that a number of unique solutions were obtained during their development. The performance characteristics of antenna-feeder devices correspond to the specified requirements. But the further development of groups of SC on GSO and VEO, the introduction of polarization sealing in the C and Ku bands, the planned use of polarization sealing in the Х- and Q/Ka-bands leads to the need to improve the electrodynamic characteristics of AFU CS in the frequency of C-band; X-band; Q/Ka-band, as well as used in the dual-purpose Ku-band.
The use of FM-NLS signals and redundant coding in trunk communication modes at PR will significantly improve the characteristics of EMC communication networks.
- Nikolaenko V.M., Ragin G.M. Satellite communication means of the land forces. M.: Metropolitan encyclopedia. 2017. [in Russian]
- Nikolaenko V.M. The creation of satellite communication systems began at the Institute. Institute of military communications. 2018. [in Russian]