K.Yu. Cvetkov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,
Head of Department «Networks and Communication Systems of Space Complexes»,
Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaysky (St. Petersburg)
E-mail: wavelet3@mail.ru
E.A. Novikov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaysky (St. Petersburg)
E-mail: novikov.evg.al@gmail.com
A.A. Makarov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaysky (St. Petersburg)
E-mail: almakand@mail.ru
S.N. Balakirev – Adjunct,
Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaysky (St. Petersburg) E-mail: stanislavbalakirev4@gmail.com
The basis for the construction of a time-frequency support system for the automated control of spacecraft and ground-based complex equipment is the use of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system as the main circuit and long- wave and medium-wave radio communication systems as a backup circuit for synchronizing the time scales of terrestrial consumers. At the same time, in terms of synchronization accuracy, the backup synchronization circuit is not only significantly inferior to the main one, but also does not provide the increased requirements of terrestrial consumers, for example, when conduction unrequited measurements in the interests of GLONASS ballistic and navigation support.
The purpose of the work – is to increase the accuracy of synchronization of time scales of the complex of technical facilities of the ground-based automated spacecraft control complex based on the two-way method using satellite communication channels.
The article proposes a solution to the problem of organizing a backup circuit for synchronizing time scales using satellite communication channels. The justification of the structure of the stand for working out the distributed synchronization of time scales using the means of the Primorka-M satellite communications system has been carried out. The implementation of the two-way method of distributed synchronization of time scales of consumers of the ground-based automated spacecraft control complex based on the modernization of the modem equipment of earth stations in the Primorka-M satellite communications system makes it possible to increase the synchronization accuracy in the backup circuit by several orders of magnitude.
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