I.A. Lipatov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory of Management Department,
FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
V.M. Nikolaenko – Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist,
FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
V.M. Bachurin – Deputy Head of Management Department,
FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
S.E. Totsky – Head of Laboratory of Management Department,
FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
A.N. Frolov – Deputy Technical Director, Leading Designer of R&D,
JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: engineer_f@mail.ru
V.M. Zhuzhoma – Ph.D. (Eng.),
Head of FGBU 16 TsNIII MO RF (Mytishchi)
Taking into account that in many cases it is necessary to provide communication in the «everyone with everyone» mode, in the networks of power structures, the usage of the second option is preferable, especially since it is possible to organize work in the «star» type network.
Taking into account the problems of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of networks organized on neighboring SPACECRAFT, the use of small diameter antennas in wearable SCS, forming a wide radiation pattern for transmission and reception, the use of FM-SHPS signals or QPSK + LDPC signals with FEC=1/3; 2/5; 1/2 in SCS is preferable.
The estimation of the capacity of the network of wearable satellite communication stations in terms of determining the number of communication directions provided:
in a special, designed for wearable stations trunk repeater satellite, located in geostationary orbit; in the common use of a satellite relay in geostationary orbit.
According to the results of the research:
- In the trunks of the general usage of the repeater C- and X-bands that meet the requirements for EIRP, G/T and transmission coefficient, it is possible to organize the operation of a network of low-energy stations in the «everyone with everyone» mode.
- The nominal operational mode of the barrel in the automatic gain control mode is provided at the maximum transmission coefficient. At lower values of the transmission coefficient, the normal operation of the network at speeds up to 2,4 kbit/s is not provided.
- Polarization compaction is widely used in new communications satellites in geostationary orbit. It is necessary to exclude the influence of interference in the trunk, providing the operation of low-energy stations with EIRP 30…37 dBW, from powerful earth stations operating in a coupled trunk with the opposite polarization vector. For this purpose in the trunks working in the general band of frequencies, but with opposite vectors of polarization on transfer and reception it is necessary to organize work of the networks using terrestrial stations of identical power. This means the need to enter into a wearable ground station capabilities of direct and reverse polarization.
- Taking into account the issues of electromagnetic compatibility in wearable earth stations, it is advisable to provide the possibility of working in the trunks of the C-band, functioning also in the standard frequency bands from 4 to 6 GHz inclusive.
- Nikolaenko V.M., Ragin G.M. Satellite communication means of the land forces. M.: Metropolitan encyclopedia. 2017. [in Russian]