A.A. Smirnov – Ph.D. (Eng.),
Military Communication Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budenny of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg) E-mail: midor012@mail.ru
Modern airborne relay systems are capable of providing throughput four orders of magnitude higher than their predecessors, which were created forty years ago. The bandwidth of modern satellites can reach hundreds of Gbps. As a rule, when designing high-speed satellite communications networks, the customer already sets certain requirements for the reliability of such a system at the design stage. Reliability implies the creation of a certain energy reserve. Therefore, such a reserve can be effectively used in certain conditions, thereby increasing the throughput of the network segments of the satellite network. Statistics show that the period of time when you can use additional energy resource can be up to 99% of the functioning time of a high-speed satellite communications network. The article proposes an algorithm for increasing the throughput of network segments in high-speed satellite communications networks through the use of the energy reserve created at the design stage. The algorithm takes into account the features of the construction and operation of high-speed satellite communication networks of Ka / Q-frequency bands. The results of applying this algorithm allow you to maximize throughput by choosing the optimal signal-code design taking into account the specified requirements for reliability and in the conditions of allocated limited resources.
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