V.V. Mochalov – Head of Sector,
JSC Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (Zheleznogorsk) E-mail: mvv115@mail.ru
It is noted that multipath hybrid-mirror antennas used in satellite communication systems in the geostationary orbit have increased requirements to maintain the accuracy of aiming radiation patterns. To solve this problem, there are mechanical and electronic methods of influencing the reflector in order to compensate for its deformations in order to preserve the energy of the satellite multi-beam hybrid-mirror antenna. The first methods are reduced to mechanical influences on the design of the reflector and sub-reflector for two-mirror antennas and the choice of materials with low thermal expansion. This was the only way, since the first multi-beam antennas were built on the principle of «one feed – one beam». Due to increasing requirements for the energy of the communication channel, as well as requirements for beam intersection, the rays of modern satellite multi-beam hybrid mirror antennas are formed by clusters, it became possible by adapting the amplitude-phase distribution on the cluster elements to compensate for the reflector deformations. The technique of using a complex conjugate field provides the basis for adapting the necessary excitation of cluster elements with distortion of the reflector surface. It is noted that for multivariate calculations, the acoustic approximation algorithm was previously proposed and a program was developed on its basis. Comparison of the simulation results for a large-size MBHA based on an approximate algorithm with calculations in the Ticra Grasp software showed that the shape of the antenna beams coincides within the standard deviation value ε2 = 0,0013294 for an undeformed reflector and ε2 = 0,0019336 for the maximal reflector deformation of 0,075 m. These results confirm the operability of the used algorithm for modeling large-sized MBHA.
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