V.Ya. Noskov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,
Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg)
E-mail: noskov@oko-ek.ru
Е.V. Bogatyrev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: bogatyrev-sfu@mail.ru
К.А. Ignatkov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg)
E-mail: k.a.ignatkov@gmail.com
When solving the problem of detecting fast-moving targets (for example, such as ballistic) by airborne radar sensors (BRD), several technical solutions are possible that provide both a simple implementation of the transceiver path and increased immunity to interfer ence [1–3]. This article gives a brief description of radio-frequency pulsed radio frequency radiation, which makes it possible to use one of the two methods of primary signal processing due to the flexibility of software restructuring its structure and simultaneously monitor the presence of radio interference on the air. The first method provides Doppler target selection, and the second – time frequency target selection due to «fast» in-pulse modulation of the radiation frequency. Both methods are based on the use of intro pulse signal extraction, which is carried out during the formation and emission of the probe radio pulse.
It follows from the results of the analysis of these methods that intro-pulse BRDs can be used in systems with the adaptive principle of forming the response region, in which it is possible to flexibly take into account the conditions of the carrier meeting with the tar get and its parameters. In addition, the intropulse mode of operation of the BRD provides not only an increase in its noise immunity with respect to reflected signals from passive interference, but also an extension of the functionality – control of the presence of ac tive interference between the moments of active operation of the BRD. The correct choice of the parameters of the selection zone by range will allow us to solve the problem of detecting a target in conditions of its location at low altitudes. It was noted that the described signal processing methods are implemented in the structure both with the homodyne construction of the transceiver and its autodyne construction, when the functions of the transmitter and receiver are combined in one cascade – an oscillator (autodyne) [3–5].
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