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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Efficiency analysis of the satellite radionavigation systems signals by intentional interference
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-201911-10
UDC: 621.396

A.N. Gordienko – Post-graduate Student,

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

E-mail: fresguap@mail.ru


In conditions of information conflict, the current task is to develop effective means of suppression of radio navigation systems and means of their protection, which ensure the possibility of functioning of equipment of users of navigation systems at the effect of  interference in the area of its location. In order to develop such protection means, it is necessary to investigate the nature and extent of interference effects on consumer equipment.

The purpose of the work is a comparative assessment of the impact of intentional interference of various kinds on the efficiency of suppression of GLONASS, GPS and Galileo signals.

Based on the criterion of the interference-signal ratio at the output of the correlator of the consumer 's ground equipment, the efficiency of suppression of GLONASS, GPS and Galileo signals by structural and noise interference was estimated. The results obtained are fair when suppressing signals of one navigation spacecraft.

In order to disrupt the operation of consumer equipment, it is generally necessary to simultaneously suppress signals from several navigation spacecraft. The frequency division of channels used in GLONASS makes it more energy-resistant than GPS and Galileo, which use code division of signals.

Pages: 64-70
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Date of receipt: 6 октября 2019 г.