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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Methods for estimating the noise immunity of active-passive reconnaissance of surface ships from an aircraft in the conditions of the use of REW means and measures to increase stealth
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-201901-04
UDC: 621.396

Yu.P. Melnikov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Central Research Institute of the Air Force Russian Defense Ministry of Russia (St. Petersburg)

E-mail: ypursul@gmail.com


The term «noise immunity», introduced by M.V. Maximov, is used [1] with respect to the active-passive reconnaissance complex in which interference immunity (interference immunity taking into account stealthiness), noise immunity (resistance to active interference), and stealth were first linked between a compact ratio. The importance of an approach in which the main assessment is the probability of successfully solving its problems by an on-board radio electronic device is noted, provided that along with the useful signals, organized and natural or only natural disturbances are acted upon, respectively.

At the beginning of the article presented, the discovery of a group of surface ships covered by a ship station of active jamming is considered, when measures to increase stealth on the AK are not applied. A quantitative example is given, from which it follows that the main task set for the information complex, in the conditions specified, is performed with insufficient efficiency.

Further, the goal of the work is to consider various methods of increasing the noise immunity and stealth of active-passive air reconnaissance of surface ships and their effect on the effectiveness of the task of target designation in the conditions of the use of REW means. Next, the discovery of a group of surface ships covered by an active interference station is considered when measures of parametric stealth (changes in the carrier frequency, time parameters, reduction of radiated power, etc.) are applied in the aircraft's radar. Relations are given and quantitative estimates for typical values of the parameters included in them.

In the subsequent presentation, other methods for determining the coordinates of the reconnaissance group of objects by the aircraft's information complex are considered in the presence of active jamming in the ship's crew. These methods are: the determination of the approximate coordinates of a group of surface ships by directing the active craft entering into the ship, the determination of the coordinates and parameters of the movement of a group of ships based on the results of reconnaissance of the operational shipborne radars of the reconnaissance group of ships by the on-board radio engineering intelligence station from the region of radio shadows, coordinates of the spacecraft by means of an on-board station when flying in the direction towards the ship's source of radio emission along a decreasing trajectory, the use of signals «outsiders» radar reflected from a group of ships. The methods are based on a comprehensive approach consisting in a joint examination of all three «elements» of the active-passive aircraft complex: an aircraft with its characteristics and effective dispersion surface, an airborne radar and a radio technical reconnaissance station. Thus, the paper considers various methods of increasing the noise immunity and stealth of active-passive air reconnaissance of surface ships and aircraft and their impact on the efficiency of one of the main tasks of the on-board information complex – the target designation task in the context of the use of REW means. As measures of effectiveness, the probabilities of finding and determining the coordinates of objects with a given accuracy are accepted, quantitative estimates based on the materials of the author's earlier publications in the publishing house «Radio Engineering».

Pages: 26-46
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Date of receipt: 15 апреля 2018 г.