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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Procurement quality management model for electronic component base elements
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-201901-01
UDC: 621.396

Ya.S. Grodzenskiy – Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow) E-mail: grodzenskiy_s@mail.ru

O.V. Dyuzhakova – Post-graduate student, MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow)

I.S. Potashov – Post-graduate student, MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow)

I.A. Raevich – Post-graduate student, Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»


A systematic model of quality management of SCB elements procurement has been formed. The processes that are part of the model are described: the process of evaluating and selecting suppliers, the process of validating suppliers' products. In addition to the main criteria (cost and quality of the purchased products, as well as the reliability of the supplier), loyalty, level of organization, prospects, state of production equipment, technology, know-how, competence, pricing policy are considered. According to the above criteria, the procurement specialist calculates the rating of potential suppliers and determines the best.

Principles of evaluation and selection of suppliers of electronic components: control of cost-effectiveness, transparency of purchasing decisions, openness to new suppliers and requirements for suppliers, strategic partner-ship with suppliers, selection of suppliers based on price, quality, delivery time and compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the creation of a competitive environment for the choice of suppliers.

The Supplier Reliability criterion includes four parameters: fulfillment of obligations for delivery dates, assortment, quality of ECB elements and the price of supplied products. Compiled equation to assess the reliability of suppliers. According to the «Cost» criterion, it is proposed to use the ABC-analysis based on the Pareto principle – the definition of three groups that have three levels of importance for quality management. Procurement validation tasks are considered. Describes the procedure for the procedure of risk management of suppliers. The final assessment of the supplier is defined as the sum of points according to seven criteria, taking into account the weight of each.

Pages: 5-12
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Date of receipt: 14 марта 2018 г.