S.A. Yakushenko – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department,
Military Communication Academy (St. Petersburg)
E-mail: was16@mail.ru
I.U. Kuznetsov – Ph.D. (Mil.), Associate Professor, Military Communication Academy (St. Petersburg) E-mail: tikki73@yandex.ru
А.N. Frolov – Deputy Technical Director, JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: engineer_f@mail.ru
S.S. Kuznetsov – Adjunct, Military Communication Academy (St. Petersburg) E-mail: kuznetsov_ss80@mail.ru
In work, the reasons of restriction of speed of transfer of data in digital radio lines of over-the-horizon (tropospheric) communication are considered. The directions of increase in capacity are defines. Assessment of influence of fast dying down of a radio signal on noise stability and reliability of communication from frequency rate of times executions of branches of reception is given. It is establishes that existence of correlation of fast dying down in branches of a spacing leads to deterioration in noise stability of reception of signals in comparison with a case of lack of correlation at any brevity of a spacing. It is show that deterioration in noise stability with increase in correlation of branches of subjects is more noticeable, than the number of branches of a spacing are more. Generalizations are made and recommendations about increase in throughput ability and a further research of the scientific direction are provided. Requirements to quantity of branches of a spacing for ensuring capacity of radio line of over-the-horizon communication are formulate.
- Yakushenko S.A., Sazonov M.A. Sovershenstvovanie troposfernyh sistem peredachi dlya primeneniya v usloviyah Arktiki // Uspehi sovremennoj radio]lektroniki. M.: 2015. № 10. S. 34–37.
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- Ignatov V.V., Chistyakov A.P. Obosnovanie osnovnyh tehnicheskih parametrov perspektivnoj tehniki mnogokanal'noj radiosvyazi. L.: VAS. 1988.
- Volkov E.A. i dr. Metodiki raschetov voennyh radiorelejnyh i troposfernyh linij svyazi s analogovymi i cifrovymi signalami pri planirovanii ih razvertyvaniya. L.: VAS. 1983.
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