К.V. Gorokhov – Leading Engineer, JSC «RPC «Polyot» (N. Novgorod)
E-mail: histat@rf.unn.ru
А.V. Kolobkov – Ph.D. (Eng)., Deputy Head of the Scientific and Technical Center, JSC «RPC «Polyot» (N. Novgorod) E-mail: antvk@mail.ru
D.V. Khiteva – Post-graduate Student, Software Engineer, JSC « RPC «Polyot» (N. Novgorod) E-mail: geheimberater@yandex.ru
In the paper we investigate the bit-error-rate performance of OFDM system using convolution coding and interleaving in multipath HF channels. The dependence of the optimum interleaver length on the coherence time of the channel is obtained. Simulations in the Watterson model of two-path channel show that this dependence is identical for different fading rates and various PSK. The dependence of convolution coding efficiency at block or pseudorandom interleaving is investigated versus on channel frequency selectivity and interleaver parameters.
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