A.M. Matveev − Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief of Complex Department,
Scientific Center of Special Radio-electronic Systems and Management of the MAI E-mail: matveev-sgk@yandex.ru
M.Yu. Rakitsky − Student, Faculty of Radio Electronic of Flight Vehicles, MAI, Technician of Software Laboratory, Scientific Center of Special Radio-electronic Systems and Management of the MAI E-mail: maxim.rakitskiy@gmail.com
This article is devoted to the issues of automated processing of flight test results in order to verify the compliance of parameters of airborne radar systems (ARS) with the specified technical requirements. The main functions of the technological software for processing the results of flight tests developed by the specialists of the SC SRM of the MAI are described, the application areas and basic principles of the developed software product are indicated. Examples of practical application of the software product and prospects for further development are given.
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