Yu.V. Kuznetsov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Theoretical Radio Engineering», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
А.B. Baev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) E-mail: baev@mai-trt.ru
М.А. Konovalyuk – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) А.А. Gorbunova – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
In this paper a methodology for the characterization of cyclostationary sources based on near-field time-domain measurements is proposed. The theory of the near-field scanning measurements over the equivalent Huygens’ surface in parallel to the object plane of the printed circuit board (PCB) is presented. The theoretical background for the properties and characterization of the cyclostationary random processes is given. The space-time distributions of the cyclostationary sources over the equivalent Huygens surface of the device under test are experimentally determined.
- Kuznecov Yu.V., Baev A.B., Gorbunova A.A., Konovalyuk M.A. Korrelyacionnihyj analiz ciklostacionarnihkh ehlektromagnitnihkh izlucheniyj pechatnihkh plat v blizhneyj zone // Ehlektrosvyazj. 2017. № 12. S. 29–34.
- Kuznecov Yu.V., Baev A.B., Konovalov M.A., Gorbunova A.A. Ocenka prostranstvenno-vremennihkh kharakteristik ciklostacionarnihkh ehlektromagnitnihkh izlucheniyj pechatnihkh plat // Ehlektromagnitnihe volnih i ehlektronnihe sistemih. 2017. № 8. S. 4–13.
- Kuznetsov Y., Baev A., Gorbunova A., Konovalyuk M., Thomas D., Smartt C., Baharuddin M.H., Russer J.A., Russer P. Localization of the equivalent sources on the PCB surface by using ultra-wideband time domain near-field measurements // 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC EUROPE. Wroclaw. 2016. P. 1–6.
- Kuznetsov Y., Baev A., Gorbunova A., Konovalyuk M., Russer J.A., Haider M., Russer P. Cross-correlation analysis of the cyclostationary near-field unintentional radiations from the PCB // 2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC EUROPE. Angers. September 2017. P. 1–6.
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