О.V. Kuharskaya – Post-graduate Student, Far Eastern State Transport University; Engineer, RTRN E-mail: kuharskaya_olga_1991@mail.ru
Е.Z. Savin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Far Eastern State Transport University E-mail: eu.savin@yandex.ru
The technology of Local Content Insertion for networks of digital television DVB-T2 considered in this article. The main problem of single frequency networks is non-identity emission of radio signals when insertion of local information cannot use in one or many TV stations. The recording of two T2-MI streams was made in this paper. The differences between Baseband frames of T2-MI streams were analyzed here. The probability of error reception for each physical layer pipe with used of Local Content Insertion and without this technology was calculated in this article. The experiment with transmission equipment was made for show opportunity of reception DVB-T2 signal by subscriber’s tuners. Some recommendations were giving for equipments’ settings when the technology of local content insertion can’t use in TV stations of single frequency network.
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