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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Theoretical basis for the design of simulator-analyzer active microwave circuits
mathematical model
complex reflection coefficient and transmission
S.V. Savelkaev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (Novosibirsk)
E-mail: sergei.savelkaev@yandex.ru
S.V. Romasko - Assistent, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (Novosibirsk)
V.А. Litovchenko - Post-graduate Student , Head of Educational Laboratory, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School
E-mail: litovchienko_vladimir@mail.ru
N.V. Zarzhetsky - Post-graduate Student, Senior Lecturer, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (Novosibirsk)
Currently, the design of amplifiers and oscillators microwave is carried out in the space of measured S-parameters of the active com-ponent of these devices, for example, of the transistor. The disadvantage of this approach is that S-parameters of the active component, which is a nonlinear device, are measured in a consistent measurement chain, where the operation mode of the active component is far from its mode of operation real amplifier or oscillator. Resulting in the measured S-parameters of the active component does not match its S-parameters in a real amplifier or oscillator (an inadequate measure), which leads to low economic efficiency of the design of these devices because of the need for multiple technological correction of a prototype.
In the article the principle of construction of the simulator-analyzer, providing a simulation of amplifiers and oscillators in coaxial mi-crowave measurement chain according to their technical specifications, followed by measurement of complex reflection coefficients of the loads of the active component of these devices for their further design in microstrip design. Written mathematical simulator model-analyzer and a mathematical model calibration. In addition, the method of stability analysis of active component in the space of complex reflection coefficients it loads, facilitate the choice of these loads and the most active component in a simulation of amplifiers and oscillators. Additionally considered the possibility of using the simulator-analyzer for measuring complex reflection coefficients at the input and the output of the loaded active component, and the measurement of complex coefficients of transmission, which together with the measured complex reflection coefficients, it loads allow the proposed method to determine S-parameters of this component, which he would have had when included in a micro strip line.
Pages: 50-61
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