350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Semi-natural research of algorithms for additional signal processing in order to increase the angular resolution of the radar
A.L. Priorov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University E-mail: andcat@yandex.ru E.E. Tsubanov - Lecturer, Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defence E-mail: tzubаnoff.еvgeny@уаndex.ru
The paper presents the results of a study for a confirmation the efficiency of the two algorithms to improve noise immunity of amplitude monopulse direction finder, which have been explored previously by mathematical computer modeling. The importance of research is caused by the need to verify the effect of characteristics of directional transmitting and receiving microwave signals and characteristics of EM field interference while sumultaneous receiving the pulse signal and continuous noise interference when the angular base of their sources less than the antenna beam width. The test bench was designed for semi-natural experiments. The workflow consists of processing of signal and noise from sources that are spaced apart by a fixed angular base. Signals from the outputs of the intermediate frequency amplifiers in the sum and difference receiver channels after the ADC digitizing are processed on a computer in accordance with the test algorithms. The results of these researches are presented in the paper. The structure of the test bench and characteristics of the experiment techniques are examined. Estimates of statistical quality indicators of detection are obtained for a single and a burst pulse signals. The graphs of range and detection relief for the generated parameters are shown for each of the algorithms. Thus, the received signals contain the information (currently unused), that can be allocated by simple treatment and that will ensure the selection of the pulse signal from the noise and obtaining estimates of its source location. This takes place under the condition that its angular position relative to the noise source exceeds 10% of the width of the antenna beam.
Pages: 27-33


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