350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Interference immunity of the correlation receiver MSK-BOC signal to a concentrated interference
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.376.9

V.N. Bondarenko – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: vnbondarenko@sfu-kras.ru

V.F. Garifullin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: vadimgar@mail.ru

T.V. Krasnov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: krasnovtv@ya.ru

D.S. Feoktistov – Post-graduate Student, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk); Design Engineer, JSC «SPE «Radiosviaz» (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: feoktistov-d-s@mail.ru

Е.V. Bogatyrev – Technical Director, JSC «SPE «Radiosviaz» (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: bogatblr@gmail.com


The article gives an estimation of noise immunity of the correlation receiver of noise-like signals of the MSK-BOC format to the concentrated noise. It is shown that interference cancellation is determined primarily by the length of the code sequence and, to a lesser extent, by the modulation format (the shape of the signal element.) The gain in the noise immunity of the considered MSK-BOC signals compared to the signal with traditional MSK modulation will be about 2 dB.

Pages: 71-74
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Date of receipt: 16 ноября 2017 г.