350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Поступила 27 октября 2017 г. Calculation of reliability characteristics of the active phased array antenna with a multilevel function-block structure and integrated control system
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 681.5

V.М. Antoshina – Software Engineer, OJSC Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute (RTI) E-mail: vantoshina@rti-mints.ru

А.S. Logovsky – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Director of STC – Chief Designer, OJSC Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute (RTI) E-mail: logovsky@rti-mints.ru

V.А. Pankratov – Project Manager of the System and Infrastructure Projects Department, Group of Companies «RTI» E-mail: vpankratov@oaorti.ru


The article presents the main provisions of the method for calculating the reliability of an active phased array antenna with a multilevel functional block structure of the new generation of early warning radar stations, which is a redundant retrievable system. It is shown that with the use of this technique it is possible to create a promising automated complex for monitoring the technical state of the radar station.

Pages: 7-13
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Date of receipt: 27 октября 2017 г.