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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Development and creation of the production technology of a highly effective complex of igital communication for ensuring broadband access to multimedia services of passengers on aircraft, trains, the water and motor transport
Ju.V. Bulygina - Engineer, JSC «Moskow Radiocommunication Research Institute» E-mail: bulygina@mniirs.org А.V. Nesterov - Deputy General Director, JSC «Moskow Radiocommunication Research Institute»
Development is directed on creation of the subscriber terminal representing the complex of digital communication (CDC) with use of satellite earth station Ku - range for aircraft, trains, a water transport on the basis of domestic groups of spacecrafts which will allow to provide in the movement passing of necessary volume of telephone negotiations, the organization of a video conferencing, Internet access, reception of a TV-signal, etc. In the article the emphasis is on the analysis of the CDC and the calculation of the transmitter power of the satellite communications station providing transmission and reception of digital stream.
Pages: 17-22


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