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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Implementing MIMO scheme using a dynamic representation of the carrier by model in the state space
V.М. Sovetov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist, 16 CRTI DoD. E-mail: sovetovvm@mail.ru V.М. Zhuzhoma - Ph.D. (Mil.), Associate Professor, Head of Institute, 16 CRTI DoD О.V. Nazarov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, 16 CRTI DoD. E-mail: Nazaric-I@Yandex.ru
It is known that the use of the channel with multiple inputs and outputs - MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), provides a significant increase in capacity. However, to obtain this capacity channel should be capable of factoring (singular value decomposition), ie presentation in the form of individual independent parallel channels. For the channel with such properties are used the space-time codes (STC). For two-dimensional MIMO channel Alamouti STC it is known that similar to the time code switching, maintains the same average signal/noise ratio for the symbol as a non-diversity scheme in combination with twice a diversity gain. Full Speed is the Alamouti code and require the same transmission band, information transmission speed determined. It is known that complex modulation alphabets Alamouti code is unique. Now for the implementation of MIMO schemes use different designs of full-speed and of no full-speed STC. The possibility of implementing a full-speed complex PVK using by the dynamic model representation of the carrier signal in the state space, and accordingly, the fundamental matrix as the channel matrix system. As a space-time encoder to use conjugate modal matrix singular value decomposition of states transition matrix in the equation of dynamics. On the receiving side use the modal matrix for separating the received signal. Since modal matrices are unitary, we obtain the number of individual channels equal to the number of antennas for transmission and reception with an initial transmission power, ie, a corresponding increase in capacity. It also shows that as the system channel matrix may be used directly fundamental matrix of the dynamic system. Wherein as the optimal receiver to use a Kalman filter which separates MIMO channel subchannels. The proposed representation facilitates the synthesis of the space-time code. The two-dimensional link taken as an example.
Pages: 28-35


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