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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Modification of the method of dynamic condensations in the problems of constructing a system of aircraft of optimal typization
Nguen Kuang Thyong - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Institute of UMIM and MB State University of management. E-mail: tikhonovrus@gmail.com Nguyen Thanh Long - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). E-mail: nguyenthanhlong_676@yahoo.com
This article provides formulation of the problem of optimal system typization flying vehicles (FV). To solve the optimization problem of the partition of the set of similar types of aircraft on the optimal number of clusters is proposed to use the partition optimality criterion which expresses the average of the variance decomposition. By this criterion all the points corresponding to the coordinates of individual aircraft types, belong to a single hypercube. The optimization problem of the partition of the set of similar types on the optimal number of clusters is reduced to finding a pair of the plurality of partitions and the corresponding plurality of points for the optimality criterion. A modification of the method of dynamic condensations in an optimal system typization FV is considerd. Modification of the method of dynamic condensations consist of a combination of optimization method in the space of inverse functions and the method of dynamic condensations. This method of dynamic condensations carries a straight function. This feature consists in the fact that the distances between the design parameters, builds the final distribution of targets between different types of aircraft. To solve the optimization problem of the partition of the set of similar types of aircraft on the optimal number of clusters is proposed to use the partition optimality criterion which expresses the average of the variance decomposition. By this criterion all the points corresponding to the coordinates of individual aircraft types, belong to a single hypercube. With the modification of the method of dynamic condensations used a combination of optimization method in the space of inverse functions and the method of dynamic condensations, which carries a straight function. For this function estimates the distance between the design parameters and construct the final distribution of targets between different types of aircraft.
Pages: 81-85


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