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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Recursive algorithm of tracking for unknown number of targets
mixture of normal distributions
multi-target tracking
random finite sets
Bayesian filtering
V.N. Zhurakovsky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: zhurakovsky@sm.bmstu.ru
А.Yu. Byldin - Engineer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
К.S. Kondrashov - Engineer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: sm2-2@inbox.ru
In modern survey radar-tracking systems various methods of multi-target tracking are widely used, multi-hypotheses methods of tracking are often applied. Most of such methods demand essential computing expenses and can't define the number of targets.
Authors of article have proposed the solution of the stated problems by introduction of special approximation for the Bayesian filter. Instead of estimation of a posteriori density of probability estimation of the statistical moment - the intensity presented as random finite set is carried out. Intensity is such value, that the integral of intensity over any region gives the expected number of targets in this area. This article presents filter realization in case of Gaussian birth and dynamic models. It is shown that if initial prior intensity is a mixture of normal distributions, then a posterior intensity will also be a mixture of normal distributions. Moreover, analytical expressions for recursive estimation of weights, means and covariances of normal component of intensity are obtained.
Thus, the developed algorithm allows to get an estimation of conditions of a prior unknown number of the targets, and also to define this number, and spends significantly less system resources, than other algorithms of multi-hypotheses tracking. Researches of algorithm application to a filtration of range and speed are carried out, results of modeling are given.
Pages: 30-38
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