350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Method of creation of local radio navigational system for UAV position fixing
A.V. Terentiev - Deputy Head of Department, OJSC «Тechnology Radiocontrol» (St. Petersburg) A.S. Trifonov - Software Engineer, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petersburg)
At the moment time location of mobile objects, including unmanned aerial vehicles, decides generally on the help of signals of global na-vigation satellite systems (GNSS), at the same time signals of a civil code of the GPS navigation system and domestic GLONASS naviga-tion system are used. The problem when using signals of global navigation systems consists that the navigation signal can selectively be encoded and be roughened by the operator of the global navigation system if necessary. Besides, the open structure of navigation mes-sages and the known radio engineering parameters of signals of GNSS allow to suppress energetically navigation signals, and in some cases to create substitution signals therefore there is possible a distortion of results of position fix of objects. In this regard there was actual a development of the autonomous radio navigational system which is working at a basis of own adaptive structure of signals and not depending on existence of signals of the GNSS legitimate group. Need of the organization of a navigation network so that the zone of its action made at least 200 km in case of a limited number of navigation nodes (no more than 10) became an additional problem in case of system development.
Pages: 23-27


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