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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Based of the methodology synthesis of airborne radar system aircraft
S.A. Mоchalov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, CRI AF of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (St. Petersburg)
The article contains the basics of methodology of the synthesis of airborne radar system aircraft, including technology and appropriate methodological apparatus to optimize technical configuration of the system. The proposed provisions are based on the previously developed methodology synthesis of multifunctional integrated electronic system, take into account more subtle features of construction and operation of the radar equipment. As part of the optimization technology radar, proposes the use of a combined sequential-parallel synthesis. A prerequisite for the possibility of applying sequential synthesis for sequential computations there is decomposition on elements, serving sector and the spatial frequency bands. Another important provision of the proposed technology to use the change structural and technical parameters. This is due to the as-sumption of their decisive influence on the technical and tactical characteristics. Was formulated the task of synthesis of radar and proposed sequence of its decision. Was offered the integrated effectiveness indicator - probability the ensure inform of the use of weapons (forces). Shows expressions linking probability the ensure inform with tactical, technical characteristics, with structural and technical parameters, with power con-sumption and cost. These expressions - the basis of methodological apparatus synthesis radar. As an example made synthesis of a hypothetical radar aircraft, decisive the tasks of detection and determination of the coordinates air and sea targets. Investigated the characteristics of several options, selected the best option. It is concluded about possibility of using the main provisions in creating systems of automatic optimization of technical configuration airborne radar aircraft systems.
Pages: 35-43


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