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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Experince of utilizing software package EULER for simulation modeling of weapon systems
mechanical system
dynamical analysis
simulation modeling
equations of motion
equations of dynamics
F.S. Beklemischev - Employee, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: philipsmsk@gmail.com
F.R. Faizullin - Employee, JSC «AutoMechanics» (Moscow). E-mail: jake-take@yandex.ru
The article «Experience of utilizing the software package EULER for simulation modeling of weapons systems», published in the «Successes of modern radio electronics» magazine, considers examples of utilizing the software package in modeling of weapons systems.
The article is based on the materials of the report of the same name, presented at the 6th Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Experts, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of A.A. Lemansky. The conference was conducted by Public Company «SaPA \"Almaz» from 24th to 26th of September, 2015, and covered the topic «Urgent questions of development of aerospace defense systems and facilities».
The article describes the software package EULER for automated dynamic analysis of multicomponent mechanical systems.
The article is divided into 3 parts.
The first part considers the place of the software package EULER in simulation modeling of weapons systems and its advantages over similar foreign packages.
The second part describes the main principles and the technology of problem solving in this software package.
The final part of the article gives examples of the problems connected with the necessity of simulation modeling of various systems: modelling of emergency launching of an anti-aircraft missile, modelling of shooting of a mobile air defense system, modelling of aerodynamic influence on aircrafts.
Thus, the article covers questions on utilizing of the software package EULER in modelling of weapons systems, on possibility of its use instead of foreign software packages, including in view of the import substitution policy that is being pursued now.
Pages: 150-156
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