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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The influence of the optical window for output radiation on the flow characteristics insupersonic CO laser
A.A. Smolyakov - Employee, JSC «MSC RF TRINITI» (Troitsk, Moscow). E-mail: smol@triniti.ru
A.Yu. Kretinin - Employee, JSC «MSC RF TRINITI» (Troitsk, Moscow)
D.Yu. Tkachenko - Employee, JSC «MSC RF TRINITI» (Troitsk, Moscow)
M.A. Ogar - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail: mogar@inbox.ru
V.A. Feofilaktov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow)
A characteristic static pressure of active medium in supersonic CO-laser is 50 Torr. Lasers of this type have an optical window for output radiation, which divides the laser medium from outer atmosphere and is closed using a special optical material, or a gas-dynamic valve.
A typical flight height of an aircraft with an airborne laser is 10 km. At this height, the atmospheric pressure is sufficiently small (200-230 Torr) to use a laser, in which an optical window for output radiation does not require a special optical material, or a gas-dynamic valve to close it.
In practice, it is important to understand the effect of outboard airgetting into the gas-dynamic laser path through the optical resonator window on the gas-dynamic flow characteristics in the gas-discharge chamber and in the resonator region of CO-laser.
The paper presents simulation results for the basic gas-dynamic parameters of a steady gas flow in the gas-dynamic path of supersonic CO-laser with regard to an air flow through its optical window. The simulation was performed for optical windows of different structures.
Three modified structures of optical window are shown:
- air enters directly from atmosphere;
- air enters through a «comb»;
- «gas window» is used for ground starting.
2D simulations were carried out. The Navier-Stokes equation system was solved. A standard k-e model with the transport equations for kinetic energy of turbulent motion and its dissipation rate equations was used to calculate the turbulent Reynolds stresses.
Pages: 142-144
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