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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Experimental research of the precision characteristics of the parallel transfer devices
T.S. Piskunov - Engineer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University N.V. Baryshnikov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Director, Bauman Moscow State Technical University I.V. Zhivotovsky - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University P.V. Chibisov - Head Department, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow)
To adjust the angular position of the optical axes in laser optical-electronic (LOE) devices the parallel transfer devices (PTD) are used. PTD are prism or mirror systems to maintain lateral transfer of the laser beam from the transmitting channel to the receiving channel of the LOE device [1−3]. To maintain the main quality parameters of the basic PTDs, such as corner cube prism or prism BKR-180, must be provided the trivial task of the prism manufacturing quality. In complex LOE devices with large apertures the laser beam must be lateral transferred to the distance of 150-2000 mm. PTDs for this tasks may be constructed with a complex system of prisms or mirrors and can add errors to the laser beam axis measurements due to the position errors of the PTD optical elements, occurred with the mechanical vibrations [4−6]. Method and experimental setup for the research of the precision characteristics of the PTDs must be developed to produce high-precision LOE devices. In this paper the method and experimental setup are considered. To maintain an experimental research of a PTD capable of lateral transfer of the laser beam to the distances that exceeds 500 mm the precise universal PTD must be constructed to calibrate the optical axes of the transmitting and receiving channels of the experimental measurement-oriented LOE device. This universal PTD must be capable of changing the lateral transfer distance to provide measurements for different produced PTDs. The universal PTD is constructed with two prisms - AR-90 and AKR-90 that are orientated to be optically identical to the prism BKR-180 or the corner-cube prism. To maintain the orientation of the prisms the angular position of the beams, reflected from special mirror coatings on the faces of each prism, are measured with a digital autocollimator.
Pages: 130-133


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