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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Experimental studies of influence of q-factor of a resonator on energy characteristics of laser emission of an electric-discharge Hf/Df-laser
electric-discharge laser
pulse-periodic laser
q factor of a resonator
energy parameters of emission
S.D. Velikanov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, RFNC-VNIIEF, ILFI (Sarov). E-mail: velikanov@otd13.vniief.ru
E.A. Gazizova - Employee, RFNC-VNIIEF, ILFI (Sarov). E-mail: lambinobel@mail.ru
N.A. Zaretsky - Employee, RFNC-VNIIEF, ILFI (Sarov). E-mail: zaretsky@otd13.vniief.ru
R.V. Porubov - Employee, RFNC-VNIIEF, ILFI (Sarov). E-mail: rom-porubov@yandex.ru
O.O. Fedorkin - Employee, RFNC-VNIIEF, ILFI (Sarov). E-mail: fedorkin-oleg@yandex.ru
V.V. Schurov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), RFNC-VNIIEF, ILFI (Sarov). E-mail: v_shcyrov@rambler.ru
Experimental studies of energy parameters of emission of an electric-discharge HF/DF-laser have been performed with the use of an external plane-parallel optical resonator depending on the ratio of active medium components and the pressure of working mixture.
The result of the work is the detection of optimal conditions for the pressure and working mixture composition, the magnitude of em-beddable energy and Q factor of the resonator for obtaining of the maximum energy output.
It is shown that the maximum HD/DF-laser generation energy is achieved in the ratio of SF6: Н2 (D2) = 9: 1 and the pressure of elegas of about 0,07−0,08 atm.
The dependences of laser generation energy and technical coefficient of efficiency on specific embeddable energy have been experi-mentally obtained. It is shown that with the increase of energy accumulated in a pumping source, laser generation energy increases linearly, the maximum for generation energy is not achieved.
Maximum achieved technical coefficient of efficiency of DF-laser is 2,64%, of HF-laser is 3,27%.
It is found that fixing of output windows with antireflection protective coating instead of fluorite windows into the laser unit increases generation energy and the coefficient of efficiency of the laser by about 12%.
Experimental dependences of the influence of Q factor of the resonator on energy characteristics of laser emission of HF/DF-laser are presented.
The dependence of laser generation energy on the magnitude of coefficient product of the resonator mirrors reflectivity under different length of active medium has been investigated. It is shown that the maximum energy of laser emission is achieved under smaller magnitude of output mirror reflectivity with the increase of active medium length.
Pages: 125-129
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