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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The measurement of range air target by method linearly frequency modulation with usage combine usage steepness
negative and positive steepness
linearly frequency modulation
increase of range-s measurement
Doppler shift missing reflections from underlying surface
S.Yu. Zadorozhny - Part-programming Engineer, JSC V.Tikhomirov NIIP (Zhukovsky, Moscow region)
S.E. Simunov - Head of Laboratory, JSC V.Tikhomirov NIIP (Zhukovsky, Moscow region)
S.E. Burchevsky - Part-programming Engineer , JSC V.Tikhomirov NIIP (Zhukovsky, Moscow region)
The methods range-s calculating in pulse-Doppler radio location station with usage quasi-continuous signals with highly frequency pulse repeating has been research in work: «The measurement of range air target by method linearly frequency modulation with usage negative and positive steepness on earth-s background». The method linearly frequency modulation is used in pulse-Doppler radio location station for providing highly rate of current area air space with range-s target measurement, having flying on counter and counter-cross courses. This method application lay on constrains on rate signal frequency rebuilding rate choosing, («steepness» LFM), that is linked with hitting Doppler shift frequency target in Doppler shift frequency missing mirror-s underlying surface area. It leads to method malfunction, i.e. inability to reveal range-s ambiguity with usage quasi-continuous signals with highly frequency pulse repeating,that leads to deterioration of working characteristics radio location station.
Work-s purpose. The purpose current job is the research of Doppler shift frequency from underlying surface in addiction with
Pages: 69-72
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