350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Method for determining the dynamic and structural parameters of the missile
O.Yu. Novikova - PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail: olk9693@yandex.ru
Now the leading countries of the world conduct the creation works of the promising antiaircraft guided missiles of different function. The development of such type of products is accompanied by wealth of contradictory information in the mass media and other sources that can lead to unreasonable overestimation of requirements to domestic projects in similar area. The main purpose of the procedure presented in this article is the determination and the specification of the flight and ballistic cha-racteristics, design data of the missile propulsion system taking to account an incomplete set of initial data, and also the estimation of reliability of one data concerning others. The procedure consists of two stages. At the first stage the ballistic designing and the missile mass analysis is conducted on the basis of the available initial data. At the second stage the detailed characteristics of the nozzle unit are calculated by the received basic pa-rameters of the missile propulsion system. At the solution of a problem some parameters entering at the set of initial data are deter-mined taking to account the experience of creations such type missiles and the analysis of technical publications by this subject. In case if the implemented parameters of the propulsion system, which we received as a result of using this procedure, are differed from the specified data set it is necessary to verify the initial data and to repeat the ballistic designing. During the ballistic designing the characteristics of missile flight at the end of the active part of trajectory (at the end of each stage work of a multiple-stage missile) are calculated. The problem of ballistic designing is definition of a necessary fuel capacity, an engine thrust and operating time of the propulsion system, and also a payload mass. At the designing phase of the propulsion system the basic engine parameters of each stage are determined: geometrical characteristics of missile frame and the nozzle unit, the form and size of a charge of solid rocket fuel, the achievable thrust, the specific impulse and the coefficient weight perfection of the engine. In case if the implemented parameters of the propulsion system received as a result of using this procedure are differed from specified data set, it is necessary to verify the initial data and to repeat the ballistic designing. The calculation of characteristics of the start booster of the previous generation antiaircraft guided missiles was carried out for verifi-cation this procedure. The results of calculation are differed from specified data set no more than 9%, it says about large-scale of re-liability of the created mathematical model and allows to recommend the procedure to the practical using. The offered procedure allows determining basic parameters of the missile propulsion system activity, the payload mass, energy pa-rameters of the propulsion system and design data of the nozzle units. Also this procedure allows to conduct calculation of the missile flight trajectory using the received energy and flight and ballistic characteristics in various points of a meeting. By the analytical approach to the problem the offered procedure has simple implementation.
Pages: 18-24


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