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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Thermostability MIS-capacitors based on SiO<sub>2</sub> and Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub>
V.L. Oleynik - Junior Research Scientist, Tomsk State University V.V. Kopyev - Junior Research Scientist, Tomsk State University E-mail: dozorx777@gmail.com
In this article show a study of the thermostability of MIS-capacitors based on SiO2 and Si3N4 fabricated by the same process route. We measured the capacitance-voltage characteristics at a frequency of 1 MHz and current-voltage characteristics of capacitors at temperatures from -60 to +125°C. We estimated the temperature coefficient of capacitance for the study materials. It was found that at an identical design of the study capacitors, are more thermostable MIS-capacitors based on SiO2. From the current-voltage characteristics capacitor based on of Si3N4 we estimated operating voltage of ≈ 50 V.
Pages: 245-247


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