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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Optical communication systems
radio communication
optical systems
laser systems
noise immunity
transferring equipment
А.S. Bugaev - Academician, Head of Department, Moscow Physics and Technology Institutu
E-mail: rslab@rslab.ru
R.P. Bystrov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of V.A. Kotelnikov (Moscow)
E-mail: rudolf@cplire.ru
Now results of the theoretical and pilot studies conducted in the leading countries of the world show that broad development in
application of optical (laser) communication (SLS) will allow to raise a communication quality when using them in common (or on re-placement) with the existing radio means in communication systems of space, land and air basing. Thus also in scientific and technical information also another is noted that in modern conditions laser communication is characterized also by application by warring parties of means of decrease in a visibility and statement of the masking hindrances with simultaneous adaptation and means of the corresponding investigation.
In this article such advantages of systems of laser communication as is high (to 10 Gbit/c) capacity, and also small angular divergence of a beam at almost total absence of lateral petals are noted that provides spatial reserve and high noise immunity of SLS and facilitates implementation of requirements of electromagnetic compatibility (EMS). Small wavelength of laser radiation (micrometers) and its high coherence allow to reduce considerably dimensions and weight of send-receive devices in comparison with the equipment used in radio frequency range. These advantages of optical (laser) means of communication also involve developers. Also in
article on the basis of the analysis of open information materials in the directions of development of modern radio electronics of foreign and domestic scientific and technical information are considered the main problems arising at creation of optical communication systems and more at creation of the systems of laser communication (SLC) (are formulated). As a result, on the basis of the analysis of open information materials of foreign and domestic scientific and technical information on the directions of development of modern systems of optical (laser) radio electronics the main problems arising at creation of optical communication systems and more at creation of systems of laser communication are considered and formulated.
Pages: 217-227
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