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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Option of adaptive telecommunication data exchange system
А.V. Кеistovich - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist, JSC «Polyot Research & Production Co.», Federal Research & Production Centre (Nizhniy Novgorod) I.N. Моrdashev - Senior Engineer, JSC «Polyot Research & Production Co.», Federal Research & Production Centre (Nizhniy Novgorod) E-mail: onti@npp-polyot.ru
Nowadays more emphasis is put on organization of telecommunication data exchange networks. The usage of these networks is seen in our day-to-day life in the form of cellular networks. When organizing the data exchange system the implementation of on-board radio relay systems offers manifold possibilities. The usage of the radio relay aircraft (RRA) significantly increases the line-of-sight distance thanks to lifting of one of the antennas. The usage of phased array antennas (PA) including those with application of super-resolution methods, results in possible effective depression of interfering source signal strength in case of close location in angular coordinates with relation to communication network objects from which the signals are received. At that adaptive algorithms make possible to arrange spatial division of subscribers and formation of pattern nulls in the directions of interference sources due to formation of multi-beam direction patterns. And so, when interference sources occur it is possible to increase data rate or communication range by increase of signal-to-noise ratio. Interference sources finding is possible thanks to signal digital processing with the help of a phased array antennas (PA). Structurally the telecommunication network (ТN) can be divided into a radio network of mobile objects (MО) and a communication center (CC) which can be a terminator of a larger data-communication network. During ТN operation the problems may arise due to different factors. These problems may hinder proper functioning and/or notably degrade the reliability of communication between objects. Where it is necessary to provide unconditional functioning of TN, adaptive changing of its configuration and integrating into RRA is expedient. The structure of communications between the network objects will be organized depending on relative positions of the ob-jects, local environment, and jamming situation. There are good reasons to use RRA as a node providing data flow routing. Such node is a TN object ensuring a greater possibility of communicating with all the ground-based objects of the telecommunication network (TN). In this case ТN has the software (SW) locally integrated into dynamical groups connected with other groups by means of RRA. Thus the virtual self-organizing meshes of the network are formed. The usage of such networks is considered for advanced radio facilities. The implementation of signal digital processing and analysis means (radio monitoring complex) together with phased array enables to obtain data about radio environment, location, SW operation spectrum and interfering sources. Herewith the usage of PA with super-resolution algorithms shall considerably increase network adaptive possibilities. The proposed option of developing the telecommunication network with the meshed topology using a radio relay aircraft (RRA) equipped with a phased array antenna considerably increases the communication range between ground mobile objects as well as improves the quality of communication under high interference signaling environment.
Pages: 203-206


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