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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Doppler method errors on dead reckoning navigation sources review
А.N. Lomanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University E-mail: pk@rgatu.ru V.V. Mikhailov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University; Chief Designer, JSK «Rybinsk Instrument Making Plant» E-mail: ogk@rzp.su I.А. Kudryavtsev - Bachelor, Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University E-mail: denver.rus@gmail.com V.V. Revunov - Post-graduate Student, Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University E-mail: s.revunov@outlook.com
The tendency of air traffic density growth poses the problem of improving the accuracy of autonomous navigation tools. Doppler na-vigation system is the most frequently mentioned source of navigation information for aircraft. Improvement of the navigation accuracy is not limited to the instrumental drift correction in this case. This article provides an overview of the main methodological dead reckoning errors appropriate for Doppler technique. The research undertaken produced the uncertainty associated with the reflecting surface characteristics change having been recognized as the most significant of them. It occurs when the surface, the backscattering coefficient of which depends on the angle of the antenna beam, is irradiated. This property is most relevant for the sea surfaces and outcomes in a greater mistake. Depending on the degree of sea swell, navigation is becoming impossible or leads to measured ground speed downward deviation from the «true» value. Some error compensation methods are adduced in this article. The analysis implies that the problem seems being scantily explored and its solution holds a great promise.
Pages: 151-156


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