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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Hardware-software complex simulation processes positioning and measurement of the spatial orientation of the spacecraft in geostationary orbit
D.D. Dmitriev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) V.N. Ratushniak - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) А.B. Gladyshev - Associate Professor, Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) N.S. Kremez - Senior Lecturer, Military Engineering Institute of Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) E-mail: dmitriev121074@mail.ru
Currently, of particular relevance to determine the location of geostationary satellites have a navigation system based on GNSS receivers. One of the most promising ways to develop GNSS receivers for geostationary spacecraft is to use a signal inter-satellite equipment measurement (ISEM), which are equipped with navigation spacecraft GLONASS and GPS the new generation. To investigate the in the laboratory methods and tools for high-precision navigation of geostationary satellites was produced software and hardware simulation processes positioning and measurement of spatial orientation. The work hardware and software complex based on the use of computer models of the navigation field at a given position of the geostationary orbit and on-board navigation spacecraft system based on the use of GNSS-receivers. Computer models simulate the operation of navigation systems using the geostationary satellite GLONASS/GPS and ISEM and also carry out calculation of ephemeris-time information on a time interval of autonomous operation. When the models are used in real or simulated navigation signals of GLONASS/GPS model and ISEM signals generated by a computer model itself. The peculiarity of computer models is their capability to modeling various disturbing factors, influencing the parameters of motion of a geostationary satellite, and as a consequence, on the work of the navigation system as a whole. These disturbing factors are: the parameters of the orbit of spacecraft, Earth\'s gravitational field, gravitational perturbations from the Moon and the Sun. Hardware-software complex includes the following features: calculation of the coordinates and the vector of the spacecraft ground speed when working on all signals of GLONASS/GPS and ISEM (selected for each signal or together for all); automation of the process of calculating the number of simultaneously observed navigation satellites for geostationary satellites given position; calculation of standard error of measurement of coordinates, speed and angles of spatial orientation of a geostationary satellite. Thus, the hardware and software system modeling positioning and measurement of the spatial orientation of the geostationary satellites processes allows you to simulate the work of the navigation system, built on the basis of the GNSS receivers to assess the efficiency of the developed methods and tools for navigation support, calculate a standard error of positioning, speed and angle of spatial orientation.
Pages: 141-144


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