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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation of the effect of gravitational effects on satellite navigation watch when processing trajectory measurements of GLONASS
А.S. Tolstikov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of the Time and Frequency Service SNIIM, Siberian Research Institute of Metrology (Novosibirsk)
E-mail: tolstikov@mail.ksn.ru
А.А. Karaush - Research Scientist, Siberian Research Institute of Metrology (Novosibirsk)
E-mail: karaush.a@mail.ru
E.A. Khanikova - Research Scientist, Siberian Research Institute of Metrology (Novosibirsk)
E-mail: hanikovak@mail.ru
A.B. Gavrilov - Deputy Director for Science, Siberian Research Institute of Metrology (Novosibirsk)
E-mail: gavrilov@sniim.ru
Time-frequency measurement based on the use of quantum standards of frequency and time. Onboard clock moves like a rocket with navigation satellites. In varying degrees, the metrological characteristics of these hours are dependent on the effects of gravitational and relativistic nature [1-3]. This fact makes these dependencies into account by the introduction of additional components in the mathematical models used by instability hours [4]. The use of such models is especially important in the formation of ephemeris-time information in the Ultra-rapid mode [5], where a prediction time scales applicable provisions of hours.
In the present study we conducted the ranking offsets the effect of gravitational and relativistic effects on the metrological characteristics of hours. Rated frequency measurement of quantum standards of the impact of the second zonal harmonic [2], and the eccentricity of the orbit [2], the Doppler effect [3], the lunar and solar influences and the Sagnac effect [3], the perturbation of the motion in the gravitational fields (Lense-Thirring effect, de Sitter, Schwarzschild [6,7]). As the results of studies, the experiment result of the evaluation according to the frequency of terrestrial hydrogen CH1-1006 standard on the level of the Earth\'s gravitational potential the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation N14-28-00068 «The development of fundamental theory, methods and algorithms of coor-dinate-time and navigation support to address priority public tasks of geodesy and remote sensing based on classical and relativistic effects of the gravitational field of the Earth and other massive bodies in the solar system».
In conclusion, the authors note that in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise «SNIIM» developed hardware and software system based on the state of the secondary VET standard 1-19 for solving problems of identification and subsequent ephemeris prediction and
behavior of airborne hours.
Pages: 98-100
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