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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Parameters of the current quality of statistical decisions when they are combined in complex systems of detection and identification
V.O. Chervakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Military Training Center MGTU im. N.Uh. Bauman
E-mail: vchervakov@mail.ru
S.B. Zhironkin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Research Laboratory, Military Academy of Aerospace Defense Named After Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver)
E-mail: iadrin@mail.ru
А.S. Zubarev - Engineer , Scientific-research Institute of radioelectronic technology (NII RET) (Moscow)
E-mail: ya.zubaerevanton@yandex.ru
According to the theory of statistical decisions, indicators of quality are: when using the ideal observer criterion in recognition systems - the probability of a complete error, when using the Neyman-Pearson criterion in detection system - detection probability and false alarm. These indicators characterize the quality of the statistical solution of averaged - over all possible realizations of the observed processes. To combine solutions in complex system of the recognition and detection systems using these averaged indicators applies weighted voting. Of interest is the identification of indicators that characterize the quality of solutions of merged systems for given current implementations processes observed at their entrances.
It has been determined that the ratio of posterior probabilities of correct detection and false alarm equal to the ratio of posterior probabilities of presence and absence signal when making a decision about the presence of a signal. The ratio of posterior probabilities of correct signal passes and no detection equal to the ratio of posterior probabilities of presence and absence signal when making a decision about the absence of a signal.
Finding the logarithm of the likelihood ratio combination of particular solutions with appropriate formulas shows that the use of posterior probabilities of correct detection and false alarm as indicators of the quality of the current detectors of decisions when they are combined is equivalent to the use of an integrated system of detectors optimized in primary processing. The complex system of detectors optimized in primary processing, weighted correlation integral transmitted detectors outputs. The integrated system detectors optimized using the posterior probabilities of correct detection and false alarm with detectors outputs a posteriori probabilities of having transmitted the signal. Quality parameters of these complex systems are identical detectors.
Thus, the article discussed the current indicators of the quality of statistical solutions of optimal criteria for the ideal observer and Neyman-Pearson. Unlike traditional indices, such as the probability of a complete error, correct detection and false alarm, considered indicators are based on a posteriori probability of making and characterize their quality is not averaged (over all possible realizations of the observed process), but for a specific current implementation of the observed process. Accounting for the current quality of statistical solutions when combined can improve the quality of complex (integrated) the recognition and detection systems.
Pages: 93-97
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